



绿色企业专业委员会 电话:0531-88956106 邮箱:lsqyzywyh@163.com 地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区

International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS)

发表时间:2022-05-30 09:35:46

The sustainable development of human society depends on resources. Addressing critical societal challenges, such as climate change, resource depletion, and environmental protection, requires sustainable management of resources using interdisciplinary approaches.

The International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS) series serve as an international platform for researchers and practitioners around the world with diverse background and expertise to share the most recent ideas, outcomes, and practices on resource sustainability.

icRS embraces interdisciplinarity, welcoming contributions from ANY discipline including natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering on ANY aspect of resource sustainability. We define resource broadly, including physical resources, biological resources, and "misplaced" resources:

  • physical resources: metals, non-metallic minerals, energy, water, etc.

  • biological resources: food, forestry, land, ecological systems, etc.

  • "misplaced" resources: air emissions, water pollutants, solid waste, etc.

Although COVID restrictions have been eased in many countries, there are still critical challenges for many to travel due to health and cost concerns. At the same time, environmental impacts caused by large in-person events have been extensively debated for concerns such as substantial carbon footprint. Therefore icRS 2022 will be held completely online to accommodate attendees who cannot travel and help reduce our footprint on the environment.

icRS 2022 is sponsored by the flagship journal in sustainable resources management Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR; 2022 Impact Factor: 10.204) and its sister journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances (RCRADV). High quality papers presented at icRS 2022 will be recommended to special issues in these journals as well as other supporting journals.

Important Dates

  • April 15, 2022: Submission and registration portal opens

  • June 1 June 10, 2022 (extended): Deadline for special session proposal submission

  • June 7 June 17, 2022 (extended): Acceptance notification (special session proposals)

  • June 15 June 25, 2022 (extended): Deadline for abstract submission

  • July 1, 2022: Acceptance notification (abstracts)

  • July 15, 2022: Early-bird registration ends (at least one author should register before Early Bird ends; otherwise an accepted abstract will be removed from the conference program and not be considered for journal special issues)

  • July 20, 2022: Deadline for full paper submission (optional)

  • August 1-5, 2022: Conference

  • August 12, 2022: Invitation for journal special issues


icRS 2022 is pleased to have its Advisory Committee composed by the Editorial Boards of RCR and RCRADV and its Scientific Board composed by the Editors of RCR and RCRADV.

Advisory Committee (RCR Editorial Board)

  • Julian Allwood, University of Cambridge

  • Annick Anctil, Michigan State University

  • Sergio Angulo, University of Sao Paulo

  • Robert U. Ayres, INSEAD

  • Chunguang Bai, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  • David Broadstock, National University of Singapore

  • Jorge de Brito, University of Lisbon Higher Technical Institute

  • Ichiro Daigo, University of Tokyo

  • Jo Dewulf, Universiteit Gent

  • Liang Dong, City University of Hong Kong

  • Matthew Eckelman, Northeastern University

  • Jose-Luis Galvez-Martos, IMDEA Energy

  • Nishant Garg, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

  • Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, University of Lisbon

  • Thomas Graedel, Yale University

  • Willi Haas, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

  • Seiji Hashimoto, Ritsumeikan University

  • Gang He, Stony Brook University

  • Monzur Imteaz, Swinburne University of Technology

  • Md Tasbirul Islam, RMIT University

  • Kannan Govindan, University of Southern Denmark

  • Alissa Kendall, University of California, Davis

  • Jiří Jaromír KlemeŠ, Brno University of Technology

  • Yasushi Kondo, Waseda University

  • Simonov Kusi-Sarpong, University of Southampton

  • Gang Liu, University of Southern Denmark

  • Yanchen Liu, Tsinghua University

  • Rui Cunha Marques, University of Lisbon

  • Daniel Beat Müller, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Kok Siew Ng, University of Oxford

  • Chi-Sun Poon, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Helmut Rechberger, Technische Universität Wien

  • Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues

  • Heinz Schandl, CSIRO

  • Lei Shen, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Rafat Siddique, Thapar University

  • Avishreshth Singh, India Institute of Technology Tirupati

  • Matthew Stasiewicz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

  • Guido Sonnemann, University of Bordeaux

  • Meng Sun, Tsinghua University

  • Valerie Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Jinping Tian, Tsinghua University

  • Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

  • Ming-hung Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Ernst Worrell, Utrecht University

  • Beidou Xi, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences

  • Zhifeng Yang, Guangdong University of Technology

  • Lixiao Zhang, Beijing Normal University

  • Tieyong Zuo, Beijing University of Technology

Scientific Committee (RCR and RCRADV Editors)

  • Gisele Azimi, University of Toronto

  • Fazleena Badurdeen, University of Kentucky

  • Krishna Prapoorna Biligiri, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati

  • Wei-Qiang Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Steven De Meester, Universiteit Gent

  • Xiangzheng Deng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Elham Fini, Arizona State University

  • Luca Fraccascia, Sapienza University of Rome

  • Magnus Fröhling, Technical University of Munich

  • Pezhman Ghadimi, University College Dublin

  • Oliver Heidrich, Newcastle University

  • Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Brandenburg University of Technology

  • Mitchell Jones, Vienna University of Technology

  • Ramzy Kahhat, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

  • Vikas Khanna, University of Pittsburgh

  • Junbeum Kim, Université de Technologie de Troyes

  • Shihong Lin, Vanderbilt University

  • Ruth Mugge, Delft University of Technology

  • Rupert Myers, Imperial College London

  • Keisuke Nansai, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

  • Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Sergio Pacca, University of Sao Paulo

  • Shen Qu, Beijing Institute of Technology

  • Veena Sahajwalla, University of New South Wales

  • Joseph Sarkis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  • Sabrina Spatari, Israel Institute of Technology

  • William Tarpeh, Stanford University

  • Timothy Townsend, University of Florida

  • Gara Villalba, Autonomous University of Barcelona

  • Yufeng Wu, Beijing University of Technology

  • Yuan Yao, Yale University

  • William Young, University of Leeds

Conference Chair

  • Ming Xu, University of Michigan

Organizing Committee

  • Chenyang Shuai, Chongqing University

  • Bu Zhao, University of Michigan

Call for Submissions

icRS 2022 welcomes submissions of abstracts, full papers, and special session proposals on topics related to sustainable management of resources from any discipline. For specific topics covered by icRS 2022, please refer to the Aims and Scope of Resources, Conservation & Recycling and Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances.


All authors who wish to present at the conference should submit an abstract. Abstracts should be submitted in plain text with no more than 300 words. The abstract should be written in clear and concise English. At least one author of an accepted abstract should register in order to keep the presentation in the program.

Full paper (optional)

Full papers are optional, but are required if to be considered for special issues in supporting journals. Please prepare the full paper using this template.

Special session proposal

icRS 2022 welcomes proposals to organize special sessions which focus on topics that are highly relevant and timely to the conference. Special session organizers should solicit interested authors to prepare abstracts on related topics and, if the special session proposal is approved, coordinate submission of the abstracts. A special session is confirmed when the proposal is approved and at least four presentations are accepted and registered.

Special session proposal should include the proposed session title (no more than 80 characters with space), short acronym (no more than 20 characters), rationale of the special session (no more than 300 words), organizer(s) information (name, title, affiliation, email), and information on at least four expected presentations (title, author name, author affiliation).


Please submit your abstracts or special session proposals via https://www.conftool.org/icrs2022

Registration Information

Registration Fees

  • Early-bird rates (on or before July 7, 2022)

    • Non-student: $250 USD

    • Student: $200 USD

  • Regular rates (after July 7, 2022)

    • Non-student: $350 USD

    • Student: $300 USD

At least one author should register before Early Bird ends; otherwise an accepted abstract will be removed from the conference program and not be considered for journal special issues.

To be qualified for the student rates, attendees will be asked to provide evidence of student status at registration (e.g., letter from school authority, student ID card showing name and expiration date).

Cancellation and Refund

Cancellations received by the conference secretariat in writing will be accepted. 75% of the registration fee will be refunded if cancellation is received before July 15, 2022. After July 15, 2022, no refund will be issued for cancellation.

Registration portal will open on April 15, 2022.

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